My Greek Odyssey has been a true labour of love. From day one we set about making a show that presented Greece to the world in an authentic and fun manner, free from any outside influences and full of real characters and places that tell the story of the nation. Now, after several months of editing we are seeing the episodes slowly come together. It’s an exciting part of the process, however a little daunting.
During our months of production in Greece we captured well over 100 hours of sites, sounds, laughs, history, culture and festivities. Sifting through all of this and turning it into a series that encapsulates all that we experienced is not only arduous but also a whole lot of fun! Many of the special moments are relived through the screen and it’s hard not to look back at the great times we had, but also to look forward to the countless more amazing experiences we will have in the coming years of making this show.
For those of you eagerly waiting in anticipation to watch My Greek Odyssey on the small screen at home, we hope to be on air in spring (Southern hemisphere) 2018. In the interim we will be regularly posting images and stories from our travels on the Facebook page, so make sure you follow us there to keep up to date!