My Greek Odyssey is a Television series that will commence filming in 2017 and later broadcast to an Australian and Global audience.
My Greek Odyssey is centred around the charismatic and larger-than-life character of Peter Maneas. His story is a rags to riches tale, having been born to Greek migrants that settled in Australia over 50 years ago with nothing but their suitcases. From these humble beginnings, Peter has built himself a highly successful business and is now the proud owner of a superyacht called “Mia Zoi” (One Life). Peter’s philosophy is ‘We only live once, so get the most out of your life, no matter what!’ His passion for adventure and excitement is matched by the desire he has to share his experiences with others, from family and friends, to the viewing audience. In this series Peter will sail his yacht throughout the Greek Islands, focussing on places that rarely get a mention in mainstream media and exploring the rich history, culture, cuisine and unique people he meets along the way. Of course there are the staples such as Athens and Santorini, but this series will primarily showcase destinations many people would never have heard of.
My Greek Odyssey will entertain, educate and inspire viewers to make the Greek Islands their next holiday destination!